
Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Sensory Language: Fireworks

Sensory Language 7 November 2017

Golden glow of the sun, stillness of the birds,

Wind of the engine, rhythm of the blades, snow whistling in the wind,

Biting cold of the snow felt like a burn on my skin,

Robust flavour of the pizza, the saltiness of the cheese, earthy mushrooms, tang of the tomato sauce,

The wet salty air, hints of coconut suntan oil, the fishy scent of seaweed baking in the sun

Colourful Bursts of Flames, Synchronized, Flaming Balls
Pow, Children screaming in awe, Faint whistles of the fireworks, Boom
The smoke escaping, the smell of gunpowder
Excited, Thrill, Scared, Amusement,

WALT - Write a descriptive paragraph using sensory language

Screenshot 2017-11-06 at 12.25.16 PM.png

Success Criteria:
  • I must use my 5 sense
  • I must include adjectives
  • I must use figurative language

The sun slowly fell and the fireworks started to come out. The faint whistles of the fireworks filled the sky and colourful bursts of flames started to spring out. The fireworks screamed while exploding in the dark sky leaving sparks of flames. The smoke escaped from the fireworks filling the air and the gunpowder left dark marks on the ground. As the fireworks kept going off the excitement inside continued to rise. The Peony firework left everyone in awe, the expanding globe of colour had everyone freeze in shock of the beauty that it held. Children had faces of amusement and had thrills of laughter.The fireworks overtook the sky and lingered around until the sun slowly started to appear. Soon after the children skipped back home with joy and the excitement died down and faded. The hype had everyone excited for next year.


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