
Thursday 30 October 2014

Harry and the Haunted House

Harry and the Haunted House October 2014

  1. Who were Harry’s friends and what animals were they?  Earl ( Rabbit ), Stinky ( Skunk ), Amy ( Cat ), Spot ( Dog )

  1. What objects did you see when they first entered the house? Old curtains, Old man in a picture, Chairs, Windows, A table, Rug, Opened door.

  1. When they heard the scratch - scratch sounds what did they think they were? A zombie dragging one foot, A skeleton shaking his bones, A big hairy monster with long hangs.

  1. Which was the scariest room for you? Explain why. The hallway because there were lots of pictures and the eyes were following Harry and his friends.

  1. How would you feel going through a scary house? A little bit scared

Extra: What do you think happened to Harry Hat ? Someone took while he was distracted from all the scary things.

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