
Thursday 30 October 2014

Harry and the Haunted House

Harry and the Haunted House October 2014

  1. Who were Harry’s friends and what animals were they?  Earl ( Rabbit ), Stinky ( Skunk ), Amy ( Cat ), Spot ( Dog )

  1. What objects did you see when they first entered the house? Old curtains, Old man in a picture, Chairs, Windows, A table, Rug, Opened door.

  1. When they heard the scratch - scratch sounds what did they think they were? A zombie dragging one foot, A skeleton shaking his bones, A big hairy monster with long hangs.

  1. Which was the scariest room for you? Explain why. The hallway because there were lots of pictures and the eyes were following Harry and his friends.

  1. How would you feel going through a scary house? A little bit scared

Extra: What do you think happened to Harry Hat ? Someone took while he was distracted from all the scary things.

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Friday 12 September 2014

                               Ear Van 11914

Last Term Our Teacher Mr Ramkolowan told us that we were going to design a Ear Van and see our creations. We were so excited that only our class, room nine could design and see our creations on the ear van when it comes to school but most thing I was excited about is that they're going to be some real important people and we were going to be on t.v on channel three,  ( Campbell Live )

Mr also told us that Sam Mathers a artists is coming to our class and were going to discuss some ideas that could be on the van. When he came to our class I was a little bit nervous because there was also cameras there to one of the camera men came around here a lot because I had a lot of good ideas to go on the Ear Van.

A few months later after Sam got some ideas and painted the Ear Vans he came to our school and I was excited because there was some more important people and the camera crew and I heard that John Campbell will be coming I was so excited.
When I came to school that day I saw two Ear Vans and they were painted with some of our ideas It was cool that we could see all our ideas on the van.

I also saw that there was a lot of people filming it and taking photos of it I also saw a huge tent and some chairs under was even more excited than before. because when I got to class we had to try on some t-shirts that said ASB on it and that had a picture of a pukeko on it and it said te Waka Taringa Hauora that means the ear health van in maori. It was yellow and the pukeko was black, blue, red, and black.

During morning tea break time we tried on our t-shirts and waited for the morning tea time bell to ring again so we can go to the junior side so we can begin the launch of the two new ear vans. First someone who works at ASB came on stage and talked about what was happening and who is going to tell a speech and when are we going to cut the ribbon so we can take a look around the vans and look for our designs.

After everyone talked the maori group got on stage and sang a few songs and after that we got the ribbon and cutted it and then we ate some food and drank some drinks and looked for our designs.

Thursday 21 August 2014

Alfonso the baker.

Richelle Watched Alfonzo Bake. 20814

 Today after morning tea. We went to the hall to meet a baker. The bakers name was Alfonso. When we arrived there our teachers told us where to stand.

We could see all the ingredients and all the utensils that we needed to make a muffin.

When everyone was seated Mr. Hendricks Introduced Alfonso the Baker. Alfonso the baker said Hello and he told us all the ingredients that we needed.

Then he mixed the dry ingredients in one bowl and he mixed the wet ingredients in another. The Wet ingredients were Milk, 2 eggs, Vanilla extract, and Melted butter. The dry ingredients were Plain flour, Baking powder, and White Sugar. The he combined both bowls together.

After the cake batter was made he added some blueberries and white chocolate chips. Alfonso put the mixture in two separate plastic sandwich bags and cut a hole at the bottom and squeezed the mixture in the cake tins. 

This is what your cake batter mixture should look like when it’s finish. Alfonso told us to put it in the oven for 330 farhinite. interesting

Richelle Watched Alfonso Bake. 21814

Room 10 Fractions Maths. 20/8/2014

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This game is called fraction flags. In this game you have to get the colours that say a fraction on it and show the fraction. My high score is 99. I got 99 because I knew some of the fractions and I didn't know some of the other fractions because they were twelfths and tenths. Next time I will learn my twelfths fractions and my tenths fractions so I can be good at my fractions in learning. I hope I can get a better score next time.
WALT: Find a fraction of a number using equal sharing

Solve these problems.  Please show your working.
Michael had 12 pencils.  One quarter of his pencils were red and the rest were black.  His friend, James  took one third.  How many pencils did James take?
= ⅓ of 12 = 12 ÷ 3 = 4 pencils

There were 18 students in a swimming pool. 1/9 of them were year 3 students.  One sixth of them were boys.  How many year 3 students were in the swimming pool?
= ⅑ of 18 = 18 ÷ 9 = 2 year 3 students

Robbie bought 20 pies.  He ate ⅕ of them with his friends and he took the rest home.  His brother got back from his rugby training and he ate one tenth.  How many pies did his brother eat?
= ⅒ of 20 = 20 ÷ 10 = 2 pies

Brian had 24 apple pies. She gave 1/2 of what he had to her friend Cindy. How many apple pies did Cindy get?
= ½ of 24 = 24 ÷ 2 = 12

Of the 36 students in Ashley's class, ¼ of them have a pet cat and 2/4 also have a dog as a pet. How many students in Ashley's class had a pet cat?
= ¼ of 36 = 36 ÷ 4 = 9 people have a pet cat

Kristy had bought 42 cupcakes for her birthday party. One seventh of them had chocolate icing.  When she got home her little sister ate 1/7 of it.  How many chocolate icing cup cakes had Kristy bought?
= ⅐ of 36 = 36 ÷ 7 = 2 chocolate icing cupcakes

My niece collected 48 yummy stickers.  Her best friend collected one eighth of what she had.  How many stickers did my niece’s best friend collect?
= ⅛ of 48 = 48 ÷ 8 = 6 yummy stickers

There are 28 students in room 10.  One seventh of them are vegetarian and two quarters wanted to go on a field trip.  How many vegetarian students are there in room 10?
= ⅐ of 28 = 28 ÷ 7 = 4 vegetarians

Gordon had 36 toy cars.  He sold 1/8 of them to his cousin John and his big brother took 1/6 of it.  How many toy cars did his big brother take?
= ⅙ of 36 = 36 ÷ 6 = 6 toy cars

Vincent was given $54 for his birthday.  Vincent spent 1/6 of his money on a new pair of glasses and he put the rest into his piggy bank.  How much was Vincent’s new pair of glasses?

= ⅙ of 54 = 54 ÷ 6 = 9 dollars

Friday 25 July 2014

How we hear sounds. 22. 7. 2014 When we hear sounds this what actually happens. Firstly the sound waves enter the canal of the ear that makes the eardrum vibrate. Next the vibrations pass through three connected bones in the middle of the ear. Then this motion sets fluid moving in the inner ear. After that the moving fluid bends thousands of delicate hair like cells which convert the vibrations into the nerve impulses. Finally it goes in the brain, these impulses are converted into what we hear as sound.
Verbs tense. 24314 Verbs : Present Verbs : Past 1. Kick Kicked 2. Walk Walked 3. Talk Talked 4. Laugh Laughed 5. Mix Mixed 6. Sleep Slept 7. Hop Hopped 8. Fill Filled 9. Break Broke 10. Jump Jumped 11. Happen Happened
Heroes. 1. At what age did Wilma Rudolph take her brace off. _5_. 2. Wilma’s mother had to rub her leg every single day. 3. When Wilma was four she had a disease called __polio__. 4. When Wilma had her brace on it was hard to _run__ , _walk__ , and _stand__. 5. Who wrote the story and who illustrated it. __Kerrie Ann and marjorie__.
Class treaty 1. We must be nice , helpful and caring to our friends, teachers, adults and animals. 2. In we must be occupied to enhance our learning all the time. 3. We will listen all times to Instructions and do the right things.
Reading. Forgetful Friday. Question ? 1. On Friday where did George, sally and Andy go? Answer. School 2. Who forgot to open the gate? Answer. George did. 3. Who forgot to move the rabbit hutch? Answer. Sally did 4. Who forgot to get andy’s rugby shoes? Answer Andy did. 5. George said there’s something else you forgot, mum. Answer : That it was friday every Friday Mr.s Dawson picks us up.
WALT: Solve division problems by equal sharing. Solve these problems.
1. The school is planning a field trip. There are 14 students and 2 seats.
 How on each school bus.
How many on each school bus.
 How many buses are needed to take the trip? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The school needed 7 buses to take the trip.
 2. Betty has 24 oranges stored in boxes.
If there are 3 boxes, how many oranges must go in each box? 1 2 3 There must be 8 oranges in each of the 3 boxes.
 3. The school is planning a field trip.
There are 9 students and 3 seats on each school bus. How many buses are needed to take the trip? xxxxxxxxx 1 xxxxxxxxx 2 xxxxxxxxx 3
 4. There are 2 students in the class and 18 pencils. If the pencils are divided equally among the students, how many does each student get? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2
 5. There are 35 bottle caps in Beverly's bottle cap collection. If the bottle caps are organized into 7 groups, how big is each group? xxxxx 1 xxxxx 2 xxxxx 3 xxxxx 4 xxxxx 5 xxxxx 6 xxxxx 7 6. Jeffrey wants to split a collection of bottle caps into groups of 2. Jeffrey has 12 bottle caps.
How many groups will be created? xxxxxx 1 xxxxxx 2 7. There are 9 students in the class and 81 tickets. If the tickets are divided equally among the students, how many does each student get? xxxxxxxxx 1 xxxxxxxxx 2 xxxxxxxxx 3 xxxxxxxxx 4 xxxxxxxxx 5 xxxxxxxxx 6 xxxxxxxxx 7 xxxxxxxxx 8 xxxxxxxxx 9
8. Peter has 3 candies stored in boxes. If there are 3 boxes, how many candies must go in each box? xxx 1 xxx 2 xxx 3
 9. Martha is inviting 4 friends to a party. She has 12 cookies. How many cookies will each friend get? xxx 1 xxx 2 xxx 3 xxx 4
 10. Jesse has 21 bananas. If he shares them among 3 friends, how many bananas does each friend get? xxxxxxx 1 xxxxxxx 2 xxxxxxx 3
 11. There are 7 students in the class and 56 eggs. If the eggs are divided equally among the students, how many does each student get? xxxxxxxx 1 xxxxxxxx 2 xxxxxxxx 3 xxxxxxxx 4 xxxxxxxx 5 xxxxxxxx 6 xxxxxxxx 7
 12. Elizabeth is inviting 5 friends to a party. She has 5 cookies. How many cookies will each friend get? xxxxx 1 xxxxx 2 xxxxx 3 xxxxx 4 xxxxx 5  

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Tane’s Diary 10 of June. Day 1. It was one very very humid and beautiful day and my best ten friends and I left Hawaii. We were going to New Zealand. We all packed up what we needed and chucked it in the waka. We needed some spares, spare clothes, lot’s of water, and lot’s of food. We said bye to all of our loving families and they wished us the best. There was a huge storm on the way to Samoa there were only seven friends left after we got out of the storm. It took us five days to get to Samoa. Day 5. We finally got to Samoa and dragged the waka to the island. We stayed there for one day. We ate some food and we drank some water too. We also prayed for the ones that didn't survive in the huge storm. When it was morning we dragged the waka back to the water and set sail again. Day 7. It was very cold when we left Samoa and then it got colder and colder every minute we got closer to the next Island and then it started to rain heavily and we got even more cold because we had no shelter. Finally we arrived to a beautiful island called Cook Island at first the chief and the people who lived there wanted to fight with us because they thought we wanted to kill them and use their skin to make a roof for our shelter. We tried to talk to them but they didn’t understand our language and started to fight but luckily one of my best friends knew how to talk cook Island. He talked his way out of the fight and they let us stay for a few days. We ran out of food and water we were starving to death. We were so lucky because it was Cook Island they had lot’s of fruit’s like coconuts and mangoes and lot’s of clear water we can drink. When it was about night time we had a big feast with or sorts of food. After that some friends was fast asleep because they were full. A few friends came with me to go fishing we caught a lot of fish. In the morning we woke up and said bye to the people who looked after us and said bye to the people who was giving us a lovely feast. Day 12. It was very hot on the way to New Zealand and there was another storm but it wasn't that bad and everyone survived. Finally we arrived in the bay of Islands it’s also known as New Zealand. It was very beautiful there and there were lot’s of trees and birds. We could use the tree branches to make some warm shelter said one of my friends. After building our shelter we settled down. We were really happy that we made it to the bay of Islands we couldn't believe that we made it so far we were proud of ourselves. The next day we went fishing and caught lot’s of fish. Then we had a long hike over the icy mountains. After taking a hike over the icy mountains we hiked up another mountain but this time we stayed there for a little longer to enjoy the beautiful view.

Friday 13 June 2014

Using skip counting to multiply.

WALT: use skip counting to multiply. Find the answers to these. Show how you do each one. write a multiplication number sentence for each. 1. There were 3 cages of kittens. Each cage had 5 kittens. How many kittens was this altogether? Skip count: 5, 10, 15 3 x 5 = 15 There were 15 kittens. 2. There were 3 large cages of mice. Each cage had 10 mice. How many mice were there altogether? Skip count: 10, 20, 30 3 x 10 = 30 There were 30 mice.✔ 3. There were 7 cages of baby rabbits. Each cage had 5 baby rabbits. How many baby rabbits were there altogether? Skip count: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 7 x 5 = 35 There were 35 baby rabbits altogether.✔ 4. 2 cages of 5 cats. Skip count: 5, 10 2 x 5 = 10 There were 10 cats. ✔ 5. 2 cages of 10 mice. Skip count: 10, 20 2 x 10 = 20 There were 20 mice.✔ 6 6 cages of 5 rabbits. Skip count: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 6 x 5 = 30 There were 30 rabbits.✔ 7. 7 cages of 10 birds Skip count: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 7 x 10 = 70 There were 70 birds.✔ 8. 9 cages of 2 puppies. Skip count: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 9 x 2 = 18 There were 18 puppies.✔ 9. 8 cages of 2 kittens Skip count: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 8 x 2 = 16 There were 16 kittens.✔ 10. 4 cages of 10 lizards Skip count: 10, 20, 30, 40, 4 x 10 = 40 There were 40 lizards.✔ Well Done!

Friday 23 May 2014

Cycle safety

Cycle safety. 22514 On Thursday the bigfoot adventures people came to our school to teach us how to ride a bike and to learn some rules about biking on the road and foot path.When we were about to go outside James came in and told us some things we needed to know and gave us our helmets and tried it on. When we went outside James and Ruth tort us some important signals to use on the road.Then we played a little game.The game was that we had to get to the other side of the court without touching the ground but the thing was who ever get there last wins.When we started the game everyone went slow because they wanted to win.After that we rode our bikes around and around the netball court and whenever James said stop we had to brake with the two brakes.Then after James and Ruth split us into two groups.Next we learned even more lessons about biking.It was really really fun.When the lessons was all finish.We played our last game. The game was that we had to ride the bikes in the square without touching the ground and we were not aloud to use the brakes it was really hard because the people who didn't have the bikes made a wall and the wall keeps getting smaller.Our class room 9 had a really awesome time with James and Ruth.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

My easter bunny.  15.04.2014

This is my easter bunny we made our own easter bunny on easter activities.

Monday 31 March 2014

A letter to St Kents

Glen Innes school
38 40 Eastview Road
Glen Innes 1072

28 March 2014

Dear Teachers and Year 13 Sport leaderships

Thank you for inviting us to your school.  We all enjoyed it. We had a great time playing sports and games like soccer, cricket, hockey, rob the nest, swimming, frisbee, touch rugby, softball, relays, rabbit and the mouse, and zig zag rugby skills. We had so much fun playing in the school pool. We also liked the ice blocks, Sausages, and juice. Thank you for everything you guys have done for us. We hope we can come again.

Yours Sincerely


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Friday 21 March 2014

Get to know me

Get to know me.Screenshot 2014-03-21 at 09.18.01.png
Hi I am a girl,  9 years old.  My name is Richelle.  I live in the beautiful suburb of Glen Innes , in Auckland, New Zealand.  I go to the best school in our area called Glen innes school. I am proud of my green and black uniform and wear it daily to school.

I have brown eyes, and black hair.  Sometimes I colour my hair brown .     

The things I like doing at school are soccer , basketball and running .  Going swimming everyday is sooooo cool.  I also love writing and updating my blog every week. It is cool to see so many people from all over the world reading my writing.

Like all the students in my class, I like food.  I enjoy eating sushi , burgers , sandwiches , fruit , and , veges but my favourite is ice cream .

I have many friends at school too.  In school we get together to play soccer , basketball , handball.  I love playing on the monkey bars with my best friend, Angel .Sometimes we get together after school for a game of tag.

Glen Innes is a awesome place to be in.